Eco Healthy Child Care: Pesticides

Don't Bug Me

A pesticide is anything used inside or outside to prevent, control, repel, or kill insects, plants and other pests. The main concern is children’s exposure to pesticides that contain harmful chemicals. Many chemical pesticides can spread through the air when they are sprayed, and then seep into the soil and water.
It's important that child care centers and homes are free of chemical pesticides.  Even low levels of some pesticide exposure are a threat to young developing bodies. Many pesticides take a very long time to break down. They persist indoors for weeks on furniture, toys and other surfaces and can persist for years on household dust. Research indicates that levels of pesticides in indoor air are often ten times higher than those measured in outdoor air.
Usually there are non-chemical solutions that work just as well as pesticides:
• Clean up food and drink spills immediately (Pests need food to survive)
• Fix water leaks (pests need water to survive)
• Seal cracks and holes (insect entrances)
• Use environmentally friendly strategies to deter pests
• Keep trash in a closed container and remove frequently
• Maintain healthy soil to deter weeds and eliminate habitats favorable to pests (remove standing water)
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